♫ My Band Inspiration Toni Duncan & ARTist Son Jason Palmer

  • Recently I crossed over the bridge to where you lived years ago; can't go anywhere near it without thinking of you.
  • Tina Hoffman Toni Duncan I can't SING anywhere without thinking of YOU since it's your fault I've been addicted to performing with bands even when I had to sneak into clubs LoL since you gave me the first chance to sing on stage with you and "The Brotherhood" when I was only around 14. Knowing you I'm sure you must have the photo evidence LoL and I also can't look at ART without remembering rescuing some of your genius son's pre teen sketches he threw away and the looks on your faces when I pulled them out of your trash and suggested you should save for when he gets famous some day so you can imagine how thrilled I was to discover my prediction was right except FAR beyond my imagination LoL WOW I just realized how passionate I have always been about talent appreciation EVEN since WAAAY back then !!! LoL
    XO XO  &;-) ♪♫ >♥< ♪♫

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