Miraculous Faith Since God Said NO

Recollection inspired by unexpected God Wink communication from long time entertainment industry friend.

"I know that the current restriction of 24/7
income related activities only may seem like a burden but  God may
want you to embrace it who knows how many lives your touching for
Christ and may not be aware ,God has shown me that all that matters at
the end of the day is Jesus Christ his death ,resurrection and your
family. As I get older this world and it's counterfeit love is all a
illusion no amount of awards will bring peace or keep you warm at
night or take care of you when your sick ,Being in the entertainment
biz for 30 years has shown my the true hearts of this world and it is
90% rotten to the core. So run and keep running as long as long a God
will allow and embrace it because your life is wonderful and you may
not know it ."   

Sincerely EB


Thank you for that God Wink confirmation
almost exact word I received the other day while one the one hand thanking Him for the absolute miracle it has been to survive these circumstances since 1993 without a break from 24/7 WORK and on top of that ...multifaceted non stop trials
and on the other hand asking for revelation of how He will ever possibly be able to compensate as He promises for all of these years I have been tolerating what He continues to allow me to lose and be without 
aka His response to my most top priority life long prayers have all been confirmed as definite NOs since 1998
so since then my only personal prayer (in addition to a few hours every day for others) has been for time and circumstances to just try to enjoy some peace without dealing with the next trial LoL
It's another miracle that I can possibly continue to radiate any Faith since I don't even have the incentive of any specific reward of Heaven or paradise since I really would prefer not living forever if it has to be with anyone I have met so far 
So I defnitely have to rely on blind Faith that He IS Good and will fulfill His plan and purpose for my life ...eventually... whatever that will look like even tho it's already too late to be anything close to "the only few basic things" I wanted and prayed for every day as long as I can remember even as a child...But for whatever reason He hugely denied
Oh well...regarldess at least I hope and pray that some people are getting Blesssed as a result of my suffering and sacrifices LoL

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