Gum Surgery + Bass o Matic Dejavu

 On my way home from gum surgery this afternoon
( FYI During "the process" nothing hurt except my not-numbed-lips that were being pinched and ripped apart by the tools..I sure wish someone would have given me a heads up to apply...Lip Balm )
the last thing I felt like doing was going to Henry's/Wholefoods for groceries
But I don't believe in wasting gas
 so do what I need to as is on the way
I needed to purchase meat
and they have THE BEST Organic Quality and Taste
AND always AMAZING $ales !!
Today lean ground beef $1.88 lb
and 4 huge signature loin strip new york steaks for $13
and a huge usda choice tri tip roast for $8
We don't eat meat that often
so this should last til Christmas dinner !
Of course having to walk by many isles full of delicacies
 I was craving some, since all I have eaten was breakfast
but thank God the thought came to me to go find some cream soup
since I can only have cold liquids til tomorrow
In line, the cashier could tell I had been to the dentist
and said
"Well.. I guess its a smoothie for dinner tonight huh?"
Then that gave me visions of the steaks created into smoothies
like remember "as seen on TV bass o matic fish smoothie" commercials
on Saturday Night Live ?
Now tonight
 I am actually enJOYing the delicious COLD
cream of brocolli soup with alot of Cayenne pepper
( full of healing properties )
along with a surprisingly nice China silk wine I got at the 99c store
Figured that must be allowed since it isn't hot


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