>j< Late Rent Fee Roses Miracle >j

This morning as usual...I was determined not to be late "this time" to the NewportChurch Women Gathering... again...


Just as I was leaving on my way to be on time for once..

I received the urgent news from my son that our apartment manager notified him that I had not paid the rent by the 3rd of the month deadline...which was devastating news since I had the check in my purse but apparantly too overwhelmed to drop off in mailbox by yesterday...and the last time this happened when check was already written out just sitting in Miracle Mobile...the extremely strict manager hit me up with the mandatory $85 late fee on the 4th that time

Today that fee may have been "the last straw" after weeks of prayer for in spite of no budget ...to at least receive just any kind of "vacation" break before school starts on Tuesday...after 16 years of none.

But instead, at least the manager was kind enough to have reminded me

and wave the late fee....HaleluJAH !!!

EVERY Friday morning I seem to encounter bizarre unexpected obstacles to attend another inspirational morning with NewportChurch Women


So as a result arrive late every week...after so many weeks of this experience, it is tempting to just go ahead and skip the humiliation

But each week I am so glad I didn't obey those "feelings"

Including today when the topic was "Responsibilities of Influencial Women: Assignment of Tasks" and related personal stories of multilevel benefits to those available to be prayerfully delegated


assigned to assist with projects such as shared today regarding in the past ...and upcoming in the future...


Providing care for victims of sex slave trafficking

and women incarcerated for murdering abusive partners

After these gatherings I usually rush back off to work, but today regardless of no budget I had to make a run to our local www.TraderJoes.Com to purchase a gift of flowers for the manager who provided such a blessing of favor this morning

As I was in line, I just briefly mentioned to the cashier that I didn't want any compensation ...but just wanted to notify in case of other similar issues for their consideration...that the red bell peppers I had purchased last week literally bursted and disolved when I opened the package...and she was so grossed out she just gave me the roses for compensation !!!




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