Menagerie of HOPE Resources for anyone in need

The overwhelming referrals to various community resources resulting from many years of assisting people God places in my path with unfortunate circumstances...most recently The Linbird family... inspired me to create a GROUP at www.Facebook.Com for anyone else who needs anything. Please join & share the invite to join the group "Menagerie of HOPE"

MENAGERIE: A rare unique collection inspired by royalty.
HOPE: The expectation of dreams that are not yet reality.
aka FAITH that ALL things will work out for the best.
To view the original thread of communication inspiring the creation of this group to share resources for anyone in need...Search www.Facebook.Com for the event: "URGENT UPDATE Re Homeless Family" ^♥^

I'll show up and take care of you as I promised. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11

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