♪ ^♥^ ♫ RHIANNON ♪ ^♥^ ♫

Yesterday's Stevie Nicks God Wink reminded me of her song RHIANNON from that Fleetwood Mac album on my wall which reminded me to be praying for my HEART ARTist artist friend Rhiannon Marhi who has experienced significant loss. She shares her recent "Another Sleepless Night" poem series inspired by thoughts of suicide at her facebook "Boxes" tab.

 "RHIANNON is the legend of a lady from Bright World. The songs of her birds take away pain and suffering. There seems to be a lot of need for the story of Rhiannon around lately, because If people are sad or have lost anybody or something the story really makes a lot of sense." -Stevie Nicks ( aka my favorite songbird &;-)

STORY CONTINUED With Lyrics> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtPyk8_onO8

EnJOY the song below while you reflect on this promise "God will wipe away every tear, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be pain or suffering any more. These sayings are faithful, accurate, incorruptible, trustworthy, genuine and true." Revelation 21:3~5

"Dreams unwind...LOVE's a state of mind...LOVE is hard to find" ♪ ^♥^

"God is LOVE and NEVER hard to find" 1John 4:8

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